LX Crochet Flower Lace Sweater

" Real luxury is a balance between quality and the affection you feel for an object that cannot be easily replicated" ...Marco Zanini

This Bohemian style Crochet Flower Lace Sweater is one of ours the most time-consuming art work. From start to finish, the process takes over 50 hours to complete this exclusive garment. From design  , preparing client's measure form ,through crocheting  every little piece separately and sewing them together step by step by hands.Changing colours of cotton threads . Then fill the empty spaces by crochet. And at last finishing stage when parts of Sweater are seamed and details added. All those efforts are rewarding labour when we can give you unconventional and artistic Boho glamour Crochet Flower Lace Sweater. 

Crochet Flower Lace Sweater has : elastic collar, long sleeves with ribbed cuffs and elastic edging at sweater's hem. It is handmade for dog's individual measure.

45 hs. labour of love...

55% Soft Cotton 45% Pac